Friday, November 29, 2013

Hours Old

As I wake my back starts to feel tight. I'm not fully grown yet.
A simple straight forward rule. Complete missions.
It was given to me by my owner. A human woman that I must call Madame. She has taken care of me since my creation. I saw my parents only once. It was...confusing.
"Say hello to your son. Now say good bye." The first words I heard.
The Madame told me that my real parents were evil people and enemies of the church. Wanted murderers of mass destruction.  Monsters of the universe. I was unwanted.
 I was only hours old when this happened. Complete missions.
 I was given my first book, "Basic Combat Tactics", my first mission was to read and learn, I will be tested in one day.
My room. A 20ft x 20ft square made of strange black stone. The ceiling was a synthetic airtight window showing the blackness of space. My eyes focused intensely, turning them into high powered telescopes, seeing hundreds of stars and mass objects.
My favorite was a galaxy. Spiraling clockwise. Brilliant shades of milky blue. 
1.    Scutum-Centaurus
2.    Outer
3.    Perseus
4.    Norma
5.    Sagittarius
6.    Far
7.    Near
8.    Orion Spur
Eight arms, I counted.
"My first friend."
I now focused on my book. Complete missions.
"My first mission."

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